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Frequently Asked Questions


See below for answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about the Oberlin Choristers Program

How much does it cost?


50% of the actual cost of the program is supplemented by generous donations from individuals, corporate sponsors, and foundation grants. 


Tuition is based on a 9 month season.  Each choir has a separate tuition that is determined by the number of instructional hours each child receives.  Each choir has a $100 deposit due September 1st. The balance is due November 1st unless on a payment plan.

Each choirs tuition is listed on their specific webpage.

Dulcis Musica, Jubilate Musica, Cantate Musica, una voce musica

What does my tuition cover?

Music - each choir studies and average of 12 scores each season. Music scores cost approx. $4.00 each. That is a total of $48 for music for 1 singer. We try to limit costs by borrowing from our own music library and the libraries of other musical institutions. 

Uniform - **IMPORTANT: Returning this season, a $15 uniform fee will be charged for each participant in addition to tuition. This is a return to pre-Covid uniform fees. Formal uniforms are an additional cost but are not required this season to reduce cost for our families.

Conductor - Our conductors are experienced music educators. The time they dedicate to Choristers is not limited only to the hours of rehearsal. Music research and concert planning are just a few of their additional duties.

Administration - Our Administrative Staff (Operations Director, Artistic Director, Development Director, and Marketing Coordinator) spend countless hours planning and in communication with families, vendors, grantors, and each other, to make each rehearsal, concert, and fundraiser a success.

Rental - each rehearsal requires space. We have been very lucky to be offered low rates for our rehearsal venues and office space.

AND MORE! - There is always more to do, to see, to sing! 

Who should I contact?

Rehearsal absence or late arrival: fill out our rehearsal absence form

Concert absence or late arrival: fill out our rehearsal absence form

Uniform issues: Operations Director, Amanda Anderson,

Invoicing/payments: Accountant, Jamie Reis,, please feel free to cc

How do I make a payment/get my balance?


Pay via credit card in our SHOP or checks can be mailed to our Oberlin office. If you need to be invoiced a specific amount, request your invoice by emailing Amanda at

Tuition deposit: $100 due by September 1

Tuition balance: (varies) due by November 1

Payment plans are available by emailing Amanda at


Please reference your most recent email invoice/statement or email our Accountant, Jamie Reis, for an updated balance. Please feel free to cc

What if we have a Snow Day?

Choristers rarely cancels a rehearsal due to weather conditions. Always assume rehearsal will take place unless informed otherwise. 


Conditions can vary drastically among communities in our area; your singers' safety is our highest priority. If you decide that conditions in your area are not safe to travel, please notify your singers' choir coordinator that your child will not be at rehearsal that evening.

Often, weather conditions that warrant schools being closed change by the end of the afternoon, particularly road conditions. Additionally, many schools decide to close due to the number of students that may need to walk to school or wait outside for buses in dangerously low temperatures.

If a rehearsal is cancelled, the decision will be made no later than 4:00pm that day. An email will be sent to all families by 4:00pm, and the cancellation will be listed on the Choristers website and social media platforms.  If you have questions about specific rehearsal cancellation, please contact your choir coordinator. They will be notified if a decision is made to cancel rehearsal.

How do I apply for Financial Aid?

Financial Aid is available by filling out an application and submitting to

Please don't hesitate to apply for Financial Aid if you feel it could help!

Our Financial Aid is available to any singer that applies. If your singer qualifies for free or reduced lunches at school, then they are a great candidate for our financial aid award!

Financial Aid is awarded by a confidential subcommittee of our Board of Directors. They review all applications and award the amount based on the need. Please note, the non-refundable deposit cannot be covered by Financial Aid.

Requirements to be considered:

  • Register your singer and pay the non-refundable deposit.

  • Submit our Financial Aid Request form.

  • Provide a copy of your most recent tax return, or other documentation, which proves your household’s income for the current calendar year (or previous tax year).

What do I do if my singer cannot finish the season?

If your singer is not able to finish the season, please contact our Operations Manager, Amanda Anderson at and plan to do the following:

  • Let us know why your singer can't continue. We truly want to know as this helps us improve our program for future singers.

  • return your singer's music binder (3-12th graders)

  • return/donate your singer's uniform to Choristers

  • pay your remaining balance (tuition can be pro-rated if your singer resigns before December 1)

How do I get a uniform for my singer?

Each singer will receive a season t-shirt for $15. No formal uniforms will be ordered this season.


Our registration includes questions related to uniform orders. "T-shirt size" and "items needed" are required for the registration form to be complete so you are halfway there! Singers who need a new uniform piece are measured at the beginning of the season and an order is placed by our office.

A Uniform information pdf is emailed to families prior to the beginning of the season.

Why does my singer need to be at the concert so early?

Singers have a "Call Time" of a few hours prior to the concert start time.

Each choir needs time to practice on stage before the concert begins. This means we need to organize up to 5 choirs to each have at least 15 minutes of rehearsal time on stage. The choirs also need to practice getting on and off the stage and risers for safety reasons. This could amount to 90 minutes needed for rehearsal before we can welcome our guests.

The auditorium opens for seating 30 minutes prior to concert start time. This limits the on-stage rehearsal time even more as all singers need to be off stage before we can open for seating.

Do I need to purchase a ticket to see my singer perform?

Oberlin Choristers is a small, non-profit organization and we rely on ticket sales to provide income for our venue rental.

Concert tickets are offered to families who apply for financial assistance as part of their financial aid package.


In the past we have been able to offer free admission when costs are covered by a concert sponsor. If you or someone you know would like to sponsor a concert please contact Amanda at

Why can't I take photos or video of the singers at the concert?

Flash photography and video are not permitted at our concerts for privacy reasons. Some of our families request that their children not be photographed. Please respect the privacy of others and the concert experience of all and refrain from photography or videography at our concerts.

We record each concert and send a FREE, private link to families a few weeks after each concert. The video is wide angle and includes all singers at all times. We do our best to record from a balcony so there is little chance of audience members obscuring the view. So please, experience the concert without a device in your hand. You can watch it again later on our private YouTube channel.

Can I go on the tour?

Yes! Our tours are a Chorister community event. We want families, parents, siblings, alumni, aunts, uncles, etc. to feel welcome and excited to travel with us. Let us plan your vacation! Visit our tour page to see where we'll be going next!

Be a Chaperone: take care of our singers in every aspect of the tour

Be a Supporter: accompany our singers with the freedom to branch off if you want

*Please note: families have mentioned in the past that our tours cost more for 1 person than it would for their entire family to go on vacation together. There are expenses we incur as a group that a single family would not, like bus rental, & tour planning fees. There are also items provided to our tour participants before and during the tour that are included in the price like personalized t-shirts, personalized tour merchandise, snacks, water, etc.

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Oberlin Choristers - 39 S Main Street, Oberlin, OH  44074

440-935-4395 -

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